Mediathek im Sprachenzentrum

Multimedia Library is still closed

March 9, 2020

Students and employees of the University of Stuttgart who want to improve their language skills have the opportunity to do so in the Multimedia Library (reference library only) as a supplement to courses or as private study. Textbooks containing electronic media are available for studying during the opening hours.
[Picture: Sprachenzentrum]

There are currently no fixed opening hours for the Multimedia Library of the Language Centre:

  • If you need a textbook or other media from the Multimedia Library of the Language Center, please contact via e-mail Ms Sybille Haas. Please take into account that books or other media can't be borrowed (reference library only).
  • However, we would like to draw your attention to the possibility of interlibrary loan at the University Library.
  • Please note that you need a valid library card for interlibrary loans.

Contact Person:

This image shows Sybille Haas, Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH)

Sybille Haas, Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH)


Secretary's Office and Multimedia Library

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